Other articles

  1. id est - 2021 March 25

    Today I learned that "i.e." is an abbreviation for id est

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  2. Today I learned a new word - disinflation - 2020 July 09

    Today I learned a new word "disinflation"

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  3. Today I learned a new word - Gerontocracy - 2020 June 02

    Today I learned a new word "Gerontocracy"

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  4. The HTML abbreviation tag - 2020 April 16

    TIL there's a HTML tag for marking up abbreviations that helps readers by showing them how you have defined your abbreviations and acronyms, for example "TIL", that is natively supported by browsers.

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  5. TIL: Install options for pip in requirements.txt - 2018 February 14

    Some things I learned about pip installs from requirements.txt

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  6. TIL: Python import machinery details - 2018 February 09

    Some things I learned about imports and stack frames in Python

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  7. TIL: Python hashing implementation details - 2017 December 24

    Some things I learned about hashing in CPython

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